Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Half way!

Wow. so half way through a year of not buying any new clothes. Whoo Hoo! 

MASSIVE well done to every single one of you also taking part! 

So how's it going?

Well, some ups and downs.

I started with LOADS of energy and really got into it, but by February must admit to having worn myself out just a tad. 

I've made somethings which I wouldn't have if I'd not started this project. And even though I might not have made as much as I would have liked to - I'm still going to congratulate myself for what I've done so far. 

It is so easy to focus on the 'have nots' - but scrap that *$%*£!$ - lets see what's good! 

So here we go...A top 10..in no particular order!!

  1. Made a nightshirt - which I still really like
  2. Learnt some new skills - inc. using my button foot - hurrah!
  3. Made a pillowcase dress for 'Dress-a-girl around the world
  4. Discovered I'm a pear shape and had my colours done
  5. *Tried* making two dresses - but realised I was being over ambitious so have gone back to basics!
  6. Finished a top I'd been meaning to for the past three years..And have already worn it to a gig!
  7. Altered a dress I bought from a charity shop last year
  8. Started researching Flawns of St.Ives where my mum worked in the 60s
  9. Been inspired by the amazing creations by those who are taking part in this challenge - check out the pinterest board: http://pinterest.com/morwhenna/love-what-you-wear-project-i-made-this/
  10. Saved money! (am not sure exactly how much - so will work that out!) & had FUN!

I've also created a short 'half-way survey' to find out exactly how everyone else has been getting on and will share their fabulous achievements over the next few days. Hurrah!

Here's a link to the survey: Half way survey!

This is really a short post to stop and look at what we've all achieved so far and to have a think about the next six months - which is what I'm doing now with a glass of wine in hand! 

Monday, 29 April 2013

Finally - Part 2!

The pattern I used
And here's the other project I finished this weekend (after it being around unfinished for the best part of around three years!!) So it felt really, really good to finally get it finished. 

I used a New Look pattern - design E and used fabric from a men's shirt, not sure if you can see the thin red stripes very clearly? See the pocket on the back - thought that added an interesting if impractical detail! Good place for some secret chocolate as Hilary from Lemon Loves suggested! 

And am really pleased with how it has turned out. The bits I had to finish off were sewing in the sleeves and adding a popper and button at the back as the trim I used wasn't actually long enough to make a loop so I improvised. It didn't actually take me that long to finish once I put my mind to it and now I have a new top to wear! Hurrah!

Front and back of finished top! Hurrah!  hmm seems to highlight the fact I've been eating way too make cakes though...! oops! Say why aren't I smiling in this picture?!! ;-0 
I'll certainly use this pattern again - and think I'll make a variation of it, maybe the one without the sleeves as I have some patterned linen that used to be a skirt that I think would work. 

Yippee! Going back to simple sewing projects has given me a perk to get back on the sewing horse.  

How many unfinished jobs have you got lying around? - don't panic - don't mean that to overwhelm you - but why not pick one and finish it? It feels soooo good! 

Sunday, 28 April 2013


I am chuffed to say/show that I have finally finished TWO projects this weekend that have been hanging around for AGES! In fact one of them was started around three years ago...oops..

The first one I decided to attack was to alter a stripy dress I'd bought from a charity shop last year. I loved the colour and stripes but the shape didn't really suit me..Stick of rock anyone? 

I cut off part of the bottom, using the stripes as a guide and hand stitched (as I don't have a machine needle for jersey fabric yet) the hem whist watching tv!

L-R The original dress, now after cutting off a big piece can be worn either as a shorter dress or as a skirt!

I'm really pleased with how it has turned out. I think I prefer the skirt version - or will at least need something over the top of the dress (or under it for a bit of a 'boost' ;-). I even put my sun hat on in the hope that this will mean we will now get some sunshine!!

In fact I have the large off-cut to make into something else - so will have a play around with that..any ideas?

Off-cut - what shall I make with this?
I'll share my other project tomorrow...can't have too much excitement in one day! ;-0

Friday, 12 April 2013

The Shirt Scarf

My sewing adventures have been perked up somewhat by the arrival on our screens of the BBC2 programme - The Great British Sewing Bee. Hurrah! Are you watching it too? What do you think?

(plus that fact I was going to be giving a talk/demo on 'how many things can you make from a men's shirt?' - to a craft club - so I wanted to make a another thing to go with my current collection!)

So I got my machine out and wanted to have a play around and not be focused on making up a pattern. So going 'Freestyle' if you like!

Looking at the pile of shirt off-cuts I have - I thought I know! I'll make a scarf! I'd seen some patchwork kinda scarves recently so thought I would have a go at making my own. 

First I chose my colours. I had three to start with - but then decided I would stick to the two - stripes and plain. And would use a nice orange thread to jazz it up a bit. 

What to do with these off cuts?
Then I looked at the scarfs I already had to decide on the width and length. I went for 18inches / 45cm for the width - and length wise decided to see how I went until I got the length I liked - or ran out of material!.

So I ironed and then cut a load of 'panels' of different depths..

laying out the panels
And laid them out in a rough design. Made me think of a cityscape so had a bit of a play when sewing on the panels..

Experimenting with a 'cityscape' design
plus I made it so that it could be worn either way - so one side looks 'deconstructed' so can have two different looks. (I'll post a pic of me or someone wearing it when I get a decent picture!)

Finished scarf - side 1
Finished scarf - side 2
the 'rough' or deconstructed side...

'deconstructed' side
And I used the shirt plackets to add weight and a finished edge to the scarf..

Using the shirt plackets to finish the ends

It did take me a good few hours as I enjoyed trying different stitches and I did press each seam after joining each panel. If everything was cut out and ready then it would be a nice quick project I think! 

Only thing is - I don't think the colours suit me! So might end up using it as a table runner instead...will def make another one now though - using blue stripe shirts I think. ;-)